Some Changes At Life Is Sweet…

In order to keep our staff, clients, and families as safe as possible, here’s what we’re doing differently:

  • Before your appointment, clients must fill out this form sent in your email confirmation.

  • The front door will remain locked. Your massage therapist will open the door to let you in at the time of your appointment. This will ensure only one client at a time is in the waiting area, restroom, or hallway.

  • Before appointments, clients must wash or sanitize their hands.

  • Our staff will perform a temperature check using a touch-less thermometer. We will verbally screen clients for any symptoms, anyone with symptoms, or anyone who’s been around someone with symptoms will be asked to reschedule for a later time. 

  • Each staff member and client must wear a face mask at all times inside the office. Disposable masks will be provided to clients if they can not provide their own.

  • Staff will take every opportunity to wash hands with soap and water, or use alcohol based hand sanitizer.

  • For now, massage tables will not have extra padding beneath the sheets. Tables will only be covered with two flat sheets, and a face cradle cover. Between sessions, therapists will change all linens (as usual), and sanitize the vinyl tables with disinfectant, as well as any tools or bolsters used. Blankets are available upon request, and will be washed after each use.

  • Therapists will have latex free gloves available to use upon request.

  • Commonly touched surfaces will be disinfected between clients such as, door knobs, handrails, light switch covers, etc. 

  • Essential oil diffusers will be sanitized daily, and can be used during appointments at your request.

  • Laundry will be disinfected as usual.

  • During checkout, with permission, your therapist can enter gratuity onto the screen and sign for you.